"White Girl"

"White Girl"

Friday, January 2, 2015

The Quiet Winter Of A Winter Night

      This is my begrudging acknowledgment to the beauty of winter, even though I'm still a sunny, sunshiny, summer girl at heart, and also to another cozy winter spent with my family in Minnesota. Although, my heart may yet still be off wondering looking for new adventures and for new places to travel.

                              The Quiet Of A Winter Night

     "The Snow tucks itself in for its Winter Slumber. A cold chill seeping into the ground, touching the flowers, bushes and trees, and putting all it touches to rest. Waiting for the light and warmth of Spring to return. Yet, in-spite of its deep slumber, there is a magical, beautiful mystery in the air. The Sun may turn in early for Winter, but light still lingers in the air, as it reflects off the white, snowy ground. Leafless trees and snow dusted pines are silhouetted against the Winter Sky. A peaceful calm, a certain magical quiet pervades and beckons one to walk through its doors. Pulled to discover its source, or to perhaps, find some Winter Magic for one's self. By chance, its Slumber might be broken by a fierce Winter Wind and the falling of more snowflakes. Or, by the light of day and the fluffed up fluttering of birds searching for their breakfasts buried under the White Blanket of Winter. Buried under a Spell. The Spell of Winter, found in the quiet of a Winter Night - - magically beckoning and peaceful."

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